The Chapter-by-Chapter Word Counter

If you’ve got your novel all in one document, it’s difficult to get chapter-by-chapter word counts, which are a good way of seeing if any of your chapters are much longer or shorter than the others.

Use this tool to get an overview of how your novel divides up.


Paste the text of your novel into the box below. Then, select an option from the popup so the Chapter-by-Chapter Word Counter can tell where your chapters begin. (This does rely on you having consistent, similarly-styled chapter headings!)

(If you don’t see the option you need, let us know, and I’ll see if I can add it.)

Finally, click the Count button to get your chapter-by-chapter word counts.

(The text of your novel isn’t sent to our server, or anywhere else. The counting is all done by a script running in your browser.)

Your story text

Chapters start with...


Enter your text and click Count...

Some sample results

To round off, here are some results from a handful of literary classics (texts courtesy of

Title & author Chapters Average length Shortest Longest
War and Peace by Leo Tolstoy 365 1,602 150 4,218
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen 61 2,050 676 5,184
This Side of Paradise by F Scott Fitzgerald 9 9,485 3,110 16,539
Dracula by Bram Stoker 27 5,990 3,600 7,994
Middlemarch by George Eliot 86 3,750 863 8,280
The War of the Worlds by H G Wells 27 2,364 842 5,759
Little Women by Louisa May Alcott 47 4,156 1,946 10,439
Great Expectations by Charles Dickens 59 3,211 783 5,773