I am Murray Ewing, and this is my blog, Mewsings. It’s not focused on one particular topic. The rule with Mewsings is I write about what interests me — mostly books, films, TV, and music; and mostly fantasy, horror, and science fiction, though with other genres thrown in. Have a look at the Archive index or the Subject index to get a better idea.
If you want suggestions, though, why not try these:
- Posts on some of my favourite authors, such as David Lindsay, Ramsey Campbell, and J G Ballard.
- And (still on-going) Robert Holdstock’s Ryhope Wood/Mythago Wood books.
- My pieces on John Wyndham: The Day of the Triffids and The Kraken Wakes, The Chrysalids and The Midwich Cuckoos, and John Wyndham and the Catastrophe of Cosiness.
- Two of my favourite films: Cat People and I Walked With a Zombie, and two related films, Cat Girl and Curse of the Cat People.
- My thoughts on Pan’s Labyrinth
- My pieces on my favourite Hitchcock films: Vertigo, The Birds.
- I’ve written a lot of reviews of YA novels from the 1970s and 1980s that could loosely be called Folk Fantasy (I’m still searching for the best term), which includes the work of Penelope Lively, Louise Lawrence, John Gordon, and others.
- My read-through of Alan Garner’s novels, roughly in order
- My read-through of Ursula Le Guin’s Earthsea books
- My post on Lovecraft and Trauma was mention on the H P Lovecraft Historical Society’s Voluminous podcast.
If you’re in an exploring mood, you can find out about my various creative projects on the main part of this site, murrayewing.co.uk.
Image use
Mewsings mostly uses cover images, etc., either scanned in by myself or nicked, in the traditional way, from the internet. If I’ve nicked one of your images and you don’t want me to have done so, let me know and I’ll take it down immediately.